Saturday, June 16, 2012

Water dogs or "Let's scare the ducks!"

We headed to the park on the creek today - thinking the dogs would enjoy a frolic in the water. They enjoyed it - wandered around, drank the water, found dead fish, shook water all over each other (it is rather counter productive for one to shake dry all over the other...just starts an endless loop of shaking dry and getting the other wet...).

Then, having decided to walk the length of the pedestrian way along the creek, we realized that you can never tell who is going to behave or misbehave (kids or dogs). Scruffy just enjoyed being out. Paddy, the true retriever, was here for the ducks. She showed her true strength at one point almost pulling me off a ledge and into the creek after a particularly ugly quacker. Had it not been for quick thinking by DH I suspect I would not be taking walks for a while. I guess DH decided he didn't want to raise these dogs alone...

Initially the walk was cool along the creek banks in the shade of ancient native pecan trees. It warmed up as we reached the "town" section with more concrete to retain the heat of the previous day. And as the sun rose higher we were ready to head home.

The park cats sat watch. They are two greys...and made me think of those we saw just days ago on our other route.

We heard, but did not see a woodpecker and the swallows were gliding under the bridge structures sheltering their nests.

We met a few people on the trail: two volunteers on a golf cart, three walkers, one jogger, one lady with two dogs (one suspiciously more squirrel-like than dog), and one of the town father twins. We did not know which he was as they are identical.

One is "ours" as his grandchildren were in elementary with and friends of our children - and he attended our church. The other went to a neighboring church and I know less about him. I have confused them before (actually, before I knew they were twins. "You must think I am my brother.") He asked the "pedigree" of the pups and we laughed describing our rescues' backgrounds. I usually just say, "They are good dogs."

Scruff jumped into the car first, gently establishing his alpha-ness. But after these few days, neither seems to really care much about who is first as long as they are part of our family.

 Water dogs...



Park cats

"Let's go home."

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