Thursday, June 14, 2012

First hunt

Padimus, Scrufimus and I headed to the park on our first solo walk just as the sky began to brighten. We wanted an early start as who knew how long this might take. Well, it was a fast walk, the dogs paced each other. They jockeyed a bit for lead, but with leashes the same length it was only "by a nose." It is not yet clear who is alpha among the four-leggers, but I intend to the boss.

Yes, I am the boss of them... really.

We met one other dog walker with a German shepherd on our easterly jaunt. Shepherds always make me nervous (my only dog bite was from a shepherd) so we crossed the road and gave him the sidewalk. No one barked or fretted. All was well.

Running man caught up with us in the park and we exchanged a bit of explanation ("You have another dog.") and learned more about our park community. He also has two dogs and is caring for another. His wife is the primary walker in their house too. "She does a good job," he said..

No other other humans were present and no other dogs.

The pack hunted the herd, but there were no deer today in the first meadow. Both dogs turned for home effortlessly...another good sign.

Two grey cats lounged in the yard at the top of the steep hill. They casually watched our progress and neither dog paid them any mind. And we achieved our goal - home safely - in record time.

Scruff seems a smart dog and willing to adjust to us, our routines, our yard, our neighborhood rhythms.

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