Friday, June 15, 2012

Hairy or downy?

Split up the pack today. Scruffy has injured his paw somehow and so turned back with DH. Padimus and I walked a little further.

A bit less distracted, we enjoyed the relative quiet of the early morning. Then we saw a flash of red to our right. A woodpecker was flitting around the tops of the utility poles, looking for breakfast. I realized it was the first time I have identified a woodpecker before hearing the "peck."

OK. I will admit that I do not know if it was a "hairy" or "downy" woodpecker - it was whichever is larger...I think "hairy."

We stopped and watched to see if he would find anything, but he continued on his way. We continued on our way as well - home to our breakfast.

NOTE: After looking at photos I am stumped. This woodpecker had more red than either bird mentioned above. I am going to stick with wildflower identification and leave the birding to others. I can tell a cardinal from a bluejay, but may never be able to distinguish many others.


  1. The difference between the hairy and the downy is the size. One is a few inches larger on average. Stick with it. You will add more. Your knowledge of wildflowers amazes me.

    1. Yeah, I know. But, if you only have one to look at, how do you compare size? Hahaha!

  2. The difference between the hairy and the downy is the size. One is a few inches larger on average. Stick with it. You will add more. Your knowledge of wildflowers amazes me.


Thanks for coming along on the walk. Your comments are welcome.