Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Scruffy Finn, new member of the pack

I made a promise about the children's last is Scruffy Finn.

We prospective new dog parents both took the afternoon off to introduce Paddy and Scruffy slowly according to the many recommendations received in person and via electrons. We are, apparently, creating a pack and so we must act like a pack. We told the pound worker we would need some time and that she didn't have to stay with us. She offered her help if we needed and left us to ourselves.

We walked around and around this small grassy area at the pound. We proceeded slowly - following each other around then sniffing, and sniffing, and sniffing some more. Finally we began walking together, our pack. No one growled, no one even barked. Paddy whimpered a little, but stopped fretting by the time the decision was made.

I walked Scruffy over to the vet next door to the pound and they took us as a walk-in, no questions asked (I like these people). He got his rabies shot and was tested for all the creepy crawlies that plague dogs. He is clear and we got him some meds to keep him clear.

Then we headed to the pet store for a new collar, leash and brush (he really is a mess!) and a few other necessaries. That being taken care of we headed home to get him set up in the yard with Paddy. We are still proceeding slowly. They each have their own spot with water and food bowl and house. He LOVES water. I can see we will need to head to the creek/river/lake soon. He has already knocked over his water once and we may have to figure out a way to secure the tub of water we have for him.

He is barking now (and barking and barking and barking). I hope the neighbors are patient. We will see how this goes - not sure if this is a problem or merely adjustment issues. I imagine he is announcing himself (if it deters any squirrels, I will be happy).

Scruffy did get an initial brushing and a bath. He loved both. Like I said, HE LOVES WATER. I can see this will be a good way to bond with him. Paddy will benefit as well...

We continue to be cautiously optimistic, but I am a believer in "signs" and a non-believer in "coincidence." So, here is the "sign." As we arrived at the door to the vet's office a woman was walking out. She stopped me and asked, "What is his name?" When I said, "Scruff." She responded that she knew it. She knew him. He was owned by her next-door neighbors. She said he was a great dog - a wonderful watch dog. She also said that he originally came from the Carolinas as a puppy.

Perhaps most importantly she said that his name is "Scruffy" not "Scruff." She saw him in the paper when the pound "spotlighted" him and thought to herself, "They have his name wrong."

So, now we have a little more of his background story and we have his name right. The rest of his story is what we, the pack, make it.

Waiting for the vet.

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