Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A successful morning for the pack...

We walked in the dark.

We were early - very.

The dogs distractedly pulled each other back and forth.

They pulled the walker.

The just-half moon glowed overhead, occasionally covered by clouds.

We arrived in the park as the herd crossed the road before us. Five deer quickly disappeared into the woods, but one paced under the pecan trees. He had been surprised by two walkers and two dogs. We moved forward quickly to allow him time and space to cross behind us and join the herd.

We walked through the ball fields and watered two thirsty pups. They struggled to see who would drink first from the coffee cup, now watering dish. Paddy is a hog. Scruff never seems to drink enough.

The restroom was full of creatures - 6 and 8 legged creatures - some of amazing size.

We were almost at the end of the walking path when Scruffy noticed the park cat in the distance. [We were happy to know that she is still in the park. We had not seen her in months.]

Then, as we turned towards the street, we saw the fox skirting the woods. He walked the edge of the clearing and then disappeared into the brush.

Two crows passed overhead as we reached the top of the first hill. Their caws identified them, an unsettling sound in the early morning.

The newspapers, absent on our way to the park, had been thrown. They were awaiting readers as we walked up the street to begin the rest of our day...

The count:

15 cars
5 dogs (barking at a distance)
2 crows flew in to roost
No papers down
No people in the park
Two enormous June bugs and a cricket in the restroom sink

 6 deer crossed the park road
1 fox at the edge of the woods

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