Sunday, July 1, 2012

No rescue in sight...

We should have walked last night. At 8:30 it was lovely, but the baker had to go to the store for supplies and it was dark before the return home.

Instead there was a late start this morning...and the clouds came and went. The temp was humid, then nice, then unspeakable. And we were left with a miserable walk uphill before the welcome shade of our yard.

 Clouds retreating...

The (ir)responsible pet owner was prepared for anything, except she should have brought two bottles of water for the pets and one for her. The pets shared their bottle in the park and the human gambled on making it home without trouble - only a little discomforting thirst.

This was the kind of day designed for a DH (usually home watching Sunday Morning) hearing a distress cry for rescue and riding up on his ugly green steed. Some people pride themselves on independence and an ability to take care of anything. However, the DH does come in handy. But today DH is training to save the state in case of emergency and we had to quit being babies and walk ourselves home - straight into the sprinkler and then the tubs of water always at the ready in the back.

The rest of the walk, the early cooler part? It was much like any other (the sun snickering behind clouds...waiting until we were far enough away from home to catch us unprepared). We checked out the drying seed heads of wildflowers and listened to creatures in the cool depths of the wood.

The grasshoppers and their ilk are on the move. It is almost impossible to take a step in the the grass without flying insects taking off for a less disturbed spot to eat...and eat...

Lichen on mesquite trunk

 Tracks on the road - ??? (OK, the shoe print is mine)

Scrufalufagus in the weeds.

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