Monday, July 30, 2012

Morning sounds

Ah the morning sounds... we started with the garbage truck as it emptied dumpsters in the distance. We heard three barking dogs, including the yippy dogs a block from home. They are such a nuisance...and are so convinced they control the block. There would be bird songs, but that was later...

A flashlight's glow bobbed along the park path. This was strange and disconcerting. I wondered what it could be - a new early walker? a park worker checking something?

I was able to make out a truck in the parking lot, but I have no ability to recognize vehicles (I have often walked up to someone else's car in a parking lot and tried my key only to realize there is not enough junk in the back seat for the car to be mine).

Always cautious, I stopped before walking full into the park and continued to watch until I realized it was Dewayne and Sissy, preparing for a dog training session. By the time I left the park they were well set up, but had not started the whistles and fetching. It is usually better for my pups not to see the robot dogs. Paddy and Scruffy become fixated on the highly trained (and beautiful) golden animals.

At the top of the hill there were no cats or crows to greet us, but an almost biblical rooster crowed three times. We were not sure of the message that held - finally deciding it must mean that we should be glad not to live near a rooster...

[One of the things I love best is how the quiet of the morning changes as the sun come up and the birds begin to sing...the wild birds, not the roosters...]

The sky was warming and the birds, with their morning songs, sang us home...

A little later than early, the count shows:
20 cars
3 barking dogs
2 people in the park joined by banana man just before we went home

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