Wednesday, July 25, 2012

You hear what you want to hear...

It was the first time the pack had traveled to the park since Saturday. And it was dark.

The dogs did not hesitate to head east at almost a jogging pace. Then half-way down the road we were surprised to see a deer headed north. The dogs shook off their surprise and pulled us to the spot where he crossed the pavement.

A few blocks further and another deer crossed south to north. The dogs missed this one - distracted by some other neighborhood smells. But the walkers wondered at the sight - we have never experienced this many deer moving within the neighborhood. Perhaps we have simply never been in the right place at the right time to view the wildlife wandering our blocks of the town.

Our neighborhood enjoys a small creek, really an intermittent stream, that eventually runs along the edge of the park and on to the Leon River near the highway. These deer must be seeking water or food or cover.

As we turned into the park two more deer crossed the paved park road. We saw no need to walk the dirt path to the meadows. The deer had come to us.

The pups always enjoy a stop at the water fountain and so we did. Paddy drank, then shoved Scruffy aside and drank again. When Scruff finally got a turn he drank, snorted, coughed, drank and then sneezed on DH's hand...this is standard Scruffy behavior.

Turning for home we greeted the park cat keeping vigil on her culvert. In the darkness the dogs did not see her. She watched us pass.

I heard a sound in the distance.

I sometimes am reminded of a character in Harry Nilsson's THE POINT! who says, "you see what you want to see and you hear what you want to hear..." [!]

I thought I heard the screech owl.

Then I knew I heard the screech owl.

But "you see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear."

I have so longed to hear the screech owl this year...

I will believe it when it calls again.

The count:

14 cars - one a police car
1 motorcycle
1 screech owl 

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