Saturday, January 5, 2013

¿Quién es más loco? (Wer ist verrücktesten?)

We have been trying to recover from time change. Sleep/wake cycles are still messed up. And DH has had a cold which has impacted his waking and sleeping.

So we rose at 7:00 this morning (I slept a total of 11 hours yesterday) and slowly dressed for a cold damp walk.

It seems it was a lazy weekend for the entire neighborhood. Newspapers were still in yards (we moved some to the porch of a clearly "away" neighbor) and no one stirred. Dogs had not yet been let out of the house.

But the piles of trash were gone. There have been boxes and bags overflowing at almost every house - giving the appearance of a garbage strike. We suspect it was just two holidays hitting on garbage days (throwing off the schedule and folks' habits) and an increase in junk - holiday boxes and wrappings and de-acquisitioning. [We had little of the former and hopefully will have lots of the latter as the weeks go by. It is not a resolution, but rather a plan of action.]

Few cars passed us and we were alone in the park except for a squirrel. I wonder if he could be one of those evicted from our attic/walls by YC over the holiday. We have enjoyed the quiet - nothing rolling pecans or acorns across the ceiling.

We only see running man starting down our street as we returned home. We appeared "mad" with our layers and unusual pairings (trust me - this is an opinion of our children as well as one expressed by others), but he was seriously crazy today - red stocking hat, purple tights (long underwear?), grey shorts, different grey sweatshirt and gloves of indeterminate color...

And me with no camera.

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