Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Yes, it was a bunny - again. (bits and pieces of disjointed walk)

The dogs were excited to walk today and we were all excited to see a creature in the yard of beautiful flowers. It was the black bunny again! He hopped completed across the front of this house and to the yard next door where there just happens to be a rabbit hutch.

All along we have thought this animal was an escapee of the rabbit hutch and this was further evidence. But he had, much like my Houdini dogs, returned home.

There he goes...
We continued our walk to the park and back. [We even tried the meadows, but saw nothing more exciting than that little black bunny.]

Scruff managed to find two grass burrs and Paddy found one as well. It is time to stop cutting through the grass. Both dogs were patient with my attempts to locate and remove these devils.

Hate them, hate them, hate them (photo credit

Back at the house of bunnies, Mr. Rabbit was still in the yard near the hutch as we passed. I attempted photos, but it was still too dark for a good one. Squint. Blow the photo up larger. You may be able to make out the outline of a dark bunny at the foot of the tree. (Click on the photos and you will get a slide show and bigger photos to examine).

If you look closely you can see the bunny at the foot of the tree.

Mohawk dog and the gang were out and loud and he was sporting a "refreshed" haircut. He made me laugh as he attempted a serious barking defense of his yard with that silly hairdo.

Upon arriving home I stepped into a soggy yard. Thus I had discovered the cause of our low water pressure - someone had left the hose "on."

That grass will be beautiful for a while...and the water bill?...not so much.

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