Saturday, August 11, 2012

Almost a perfect day

The sun greeted us.

We walked late today, but not too late. With the humidity low and temperature almost fall-like we hustled down the street in good time...the dogs enjoyed the scent trail of a big dog whose owner was walking him up the street as we were walking down. We let them pass and then followed the trail.

The park was bright and quiet and empty. Since it was full daylight we headed to the meadows. [First there was some small argument in my head: There is no one in the park. But it is daylight. But no one is here. But I have the dogs. But the park is empty! Courage - or folly - won.]

At the start of the dirt track a squirrel taunted us. He sat watching, climbed part way up the tree, and twitched his tail. The dogs lost interest as the hunt for deer had taken hold.

"You looking at me?"

"Dogs cannot climb...nanny nanny boo boo!"

Fresh tracks ran up and down the road. I felt certain the deer were gone, but it is always calming to be in the park, to hear the birds sing, to wander down the road and see what has changed since our last trip. We passed the near meadow and were headed towards the far when a good sized buck bounded out of the  woods on the right, down the road, and into the woods on the left. He was good sized and had a lovely set of antlers - possible 10 to 12 points.

The buck was followed by a couple of does and two yearlings - one of which stopped mid-road and stared at us for a few heartbeats before disappearing.

I wonder sometimes if they wait for us - if the herd delights in our surprise as they rush by. I think it more likely that they were slower to move today as no noise in the park bothered them either and the weather was crisp. Why move from the fields until danger or the heat of the day encourages shelter in the shaded depths?

Satisfied with our adventure we turned for home past an abandoned backpack and some grackles on a utility line. We had climbed the steep hill when the big black dog of yesterday came out of his house and sniffed the air. The pups noted him, but they responded to me, not to him. I pulled them away and we moved faster towards home.  [Was this dog old, deaf and blind? He did not react to our sounds or sight (we were and are a ragged noisy sight). He only smelled us in the air.]

My now racing heart was starting to calm when a grackle in a neighbor's yard fluttered up to surprise and draw the attention of the dogs. They jumped and were ready to chase when I pulled them back. This second adrenalin rush was more than I needed this lovely Saturday morning. While not ruining the day, it detracted from the calmer sights and sounds of our time in the park.

The rest of the walk was auto and bark and bustle filled...and a  reminder of why early walks in the dark can be preferable even on a cool and lazy weekend stroll.

No count today. It was startled out of us.

Lonely backpack, left behind.

Birds on a wire

Same birds

Fly away

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