Sunday, March 1, 2015

Trees full of rain

Yes, we are still in a drought, but recent rains (with the usual February blues) have made us anxious to move. The pups have been in and out of the house every evening for about a week. The people have come and gone. DH has had a couple of races - a 5K yesterday in the rain and mud and a half-marathon today. I am sure I am not the only one singing "Rain, rain, go away!"

This weather so alters moods and we have gotten a little weirder. The conversation about the weather for the half? Well, at least it "wouldn't be as bad as last year." Last year a windy and nasty cold front came in as the runners stood at the start. No one was ready for it.

I waited at the half-way point of the half. I bundled up* (having a later start to "drive" to my spot let me watch the weather and note the front moving fast) and took the Scruff to stand in the wind and cheer people on. Once I saw MY runners I headed for the house and heat.

Today, the rain stopped about 7 - start time for the race.

I was on the walk by then and said a word of thanks that the DH will only have the cold to deal with and not water.

Paddy and Scruffy did their yoga moves in the kitchen and allowed me to snap on their leashes. They seem to know when we are walking (as opposed to just going out to the back yard). They waited as I grabbed a couple of bags and a handful of cookies (I rarely forget the bags, but often forget the cookies).

Still quiet in the neighborhood, we dodged the stray raindrops (from the trees) and listed to the birds (we weren't the only creatures excited to get out).

We watched tiny birds on the wires "jockey" for position. I don't know that I have seen this before. They hopped back and forth over each other - a sideways leapfrog or leap-bird. Perhaps it was a little warmer in the new spot or maybe they were trying to get closer to that "special" little bird.

Further down the block we found a group of doves picking out the pecans scattered crushed on the sidewalk. These fat white-wings were focused on feeding and flew only as we reached them. They were all movement and a flash of white feathers. And they did not go far, returning as we moved along.

The park was empty except for one squirrel who loped across the park and into the woods and then another who ran from the woods and into the park. The second squirrel was so close that the pups could have caught him, had I not held tight to the leashes. How frustrating for these retrievers to be forced (so often) to watch and not run after wild things.

We spotted two more squirrels on our way back up the street.

What does that say about us? The only creatures out were squirrels?

We were almost home when I had one of those flashes of memory - one that takes you back, one that makes you wish you had a brother or sister walking by. The oak tree hung low and full of rain. Oh how I ached to reach up, pull a twig,  and let it rain on a companion - but the dogs wouldn't get it and my siblings are far away.**


* I didn't have to leave the house for my appointed spot until the front had already come in.
** Seems I remember a sibling making a mesquite rain on me where the raindrops included a yellowjacket only too happy to sting the top of my head. Hmm...or maybe I did it to her.

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