Monday, October 13, 2014

End of the storms

Clouds in the west.

Clouds in the south.

Clouds to the north

Clouds in the east

Yucca blooms against the wild sky

Last of the raindrops.

The poor dogs have been in and out of the house for days - mostly out. We have had a number of quick storms blow through. The last (for a few days anyway) arrived early this morning. It headed east and I followed it - in a way. As I drove to work I could see the black clouds ahead with lightning brightening them every few minutes. I slowed for my turn to the north (towards my office) and the storm flashed a farewell with a giant cloud-to-ground streak. Those always frighten me, no matter how far away I am. The child in me starts the count for the thunder.

Perhaps now I will be able to make it to the park to photograph the last of the fall wildflowers. These last three storms have been wild, but no additional rain is expected this week. The winds we were told would follow the rain have arrived so it may be impossible to get a clear image in these gusts. The park is prairie with a creek running along the south boundary. When that wind whips down from the north, it can flatten everything in its path.

TDW shared this photo he took last week. You can see how lovely the liatris is this fall. More purple spikes show on the left. This park really is part of the prairie. The line of trees in the back shows the location of the creek.

I am calling these "fall sunflowers" until I find the actual name. (Another flower from TDW)

There are usually multiple blooms on a stalk. (TDW)

I think this is a Prairie Agalinis. (TDW)
Eryngo (TDW)

Snow on the Prairie (TDW)

What day will I have time? Should I brave the mud with the puppies? I know that DH will not want to come and worry with muddy dogs. But I need to get out in the sunshine.

NOTE:  The first batch of photos are mine (I love my new camera). The second batch - of the wildflowers - were all taken by my friend, The Dog Whisperer. I am still going out to the park to try and take a few photos myself, but for now, I am glad that we can share these with you. You can see how many wildflowers are "out there." Take a walk and see.


  1. Love the NSEW thoughts and the wildflowers...tickseed? just a guess...NOT going to look at the books right now...going back to bed

    1. I think it is the wrong leaf for tickseed. We will all figure it out.


Thanks for coming along on the walk. Your comments are welcome.