Thursday, December 13, 2012

Why does that star shine there so bright?

It is cold. There better be a treat in this for us.
 Some cold mornings seem to be especially clear - as if the cold focuses the atmosphere somehow and everything seems sharper, closer. I searched the sky throughout the walk - looking for familiar constellations. I was unsuccessful as the cold, the dogs, and the dark conspired to distract me. Are the stars the wildflowers of the dark? I know so many of them, but need to research them again to refresh my memory and my eyes.

That bright star in the east is really a planet - Venus? Whatever, it brings back the words of a Christmas cantata we sang back in '71 or '72. The words have stayed with me, a carol for singing while walking in the dark, stars bright above.

We saw the lady of the beautiful yard. [Her plants are frost bitten now. The zinnias long ago pulled up.] She hustled out of her house, grabbed up the newspaper and returned inside. We were a block away so we did not surprise her, only watched. She was the only neighbor we saw until we passed running man on our way back home. He was almost elf-like in his cold weather gear. I should not comment on other people's gear having been mistaken for homeless on more than one occasion. My purpose is to be warm, not stylish and I am sure that is running man's goal as well.

Every time I walk I think of the man in my hometown who traveled the streets with a pack of dogs. It always seemed like there were at least 5 dogs with him. I don't remember the dogs being "on leash." I remember them walking alongside him, company on his daily rounds. He was a "town character," the brother of a peace officer. His nephew was in my grade. I am sure my classmate was teased about his uncle. But I am also sure, while unfortunate, simple, or challenged, he was a good man. Dogs know people. They are good judges of true character.

The last time I was home I saw three dogs loose on the street by the courthouse. I wondered if they were lost or if they were a ghostly memory of the man who walked the streets with his pack of hounds.

My guys were happy to be out and happy to get home. They have been sheltering in the house until lunchtime on these cold days and do not hesitate to come inside where it is warm. I wasted no time in getting in out of the cold too. But I love a brisk walk, bundled against the weather.

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