Sunday, December 16, 2012

Grey day, doves in the tops of the pecans

We all needed a walk today and set out on this grey, grey day, heavy hearts and heavy sky,  mournful train whistling us onward.

The whole world seemed colorless, but every now and again there would be a pop of green or red or yellow - evergreens, chinaberries, and street signs.

I took photo after photo of our grey park, trees rooted in the sky.

DH must have lost patience a bit. He headed off home before us. We three poked along, photographing the doves perched in the tops of pecan trees, smiling at the little one playing with a cat in her backyard, and listening to the clusters of birds on the high wires as they chirped and sang their morning songs.

We saw a woman walking with two large dogs. DH commented that she could almost be me. My pups did surely want to meet hers, but we had not time to make friends this morning.


More park

Man and dogs

Mesquite saplings reached out to snag us as we walked down the dirt road. I spent a lot of my childhood stepping on, digging out, and recovering from mesquite thorns.

Something is moving in the brush

Lady and dogs - not me

River bridge

1 comment:

  1. Fox are leaving signs on our road. We haven't seen them in a month or more, but they are present.

    We will just have the change our timing and see if we can figure out when they walk the road.


Thanks for coming along on the walk. Your comments are welcome.