Tuesday, December 4, 2012


It wasn't bad enough for a "damn" but was not one of those peaceful - calming walks. Nothing I can do except lie would make it one. So, if you read this for the mellow, stop now.

The weather is "in-between." A cold front is coming, but not here. It is cool and damp. An earlier mist left wet pavement and drops of water on the grass and dry leaves.

I am tired - not enough sleep.

The pups were distracted and uncooperative. Each went his/her way tangling the leads and then tangling them some more. They jostled each other and me. They wound themselves around sign posts, disappeared into hedges, hid behind me, and tripped each other.

At one point I dropped my pepper spray (yes, no fool I - I always carry something, in case of wild dog or stranger) and could not find it until the return trip uphill. I fretted that a child would find it, but managed to find it and pocket it.

The walk was impossible! [Read that with an exasperated "huff."]

One neighbor was cleaning his garage and setting out his wire decorations. My old friends running man and our across-the-fence neighbor were out, as was the waning gibbous moon.

Inflatables and deflatables have started to appear and blinking (flashing) holiday decorations seem to be the popular thing this year. I was in no mood for any of it.

I am clammy and cranky and exasperated. Meh.

1 comment:

  1. Walked out of the house to head for work to a rain of yellow pistache leaves. Then the clouds were amazing on the way to work...rays of light fanning out over the fields and the edges of the cottony clouds above edged with brilliant light. I feel better.


Thanks for coming along on the walk. Your comments are welcome.