Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Scaredy-cat? Nope. Scaredy-dog.

Truth is I'm afraid of the dark. I always have been. My siblings used to tease me and challenge me to run out to the edge of the yard at night - then they would turn out the porch lights, leaving me in the dark. [I know it's not the meanest tale. I was probably worse to them.]

As children, we always had nightlights and I still leave lights on in the house all the time - sometimes following DH around turning them back on after he turns them off.*

So, walking dogs down the street in the early morning darkness has always been a little nerve wracking for me. I do take flashlights (and flashing lights so the cars see us). Sometimes I carry a walking stick or other protective tool - just in case.**

But this morning Zelda and I were up at 5:30 and took our first walk in the dim light - in spite of ourselves.

I found myself quite content, but with a scaredy-dog. She walked watching behind. She startled at any noise.*** We were about half-way to the park when I realized she was even jumping at the tiny tap of acorns falling from neighbors' trees.

It was definitely time to go home, another timing issue added.

I will need to figure out how to walk after sunrise and before traffic is bad. We will need to start before "emergencies" are triggered, but as scaredy-dogs can easily see when the boogedies**** are coming.

She's a good dog and worth the "figuring."


*We have always kept the light at the top of the stairs lit - to make sure all could see the stairs. It has worked so far - no one has fallen down the stairs unless they worked hard to do so.

**I am so much braver in the light - especially because folks can see the crazy lady with her scruffy animals. Who's gonna bother her?

***A reformed stray, Zelda's past must have been something. She is a bit of a nervous Nelly - following us from room to room (always keeping at least one of us in her sight). Paying attention to noises in the dark and moving away from noisy traffic was probably essential when she was living on the street.

****Somehow the "bogey man" became the "boogedy man" at our house. It gets spelled many ways. However it is spelled, he lurks at the edge of the light and creeps around in the shadows.

It's been a late fall here. The oaks all still have their leaves (the cedar elms have been dropping leaves as have the pistache  and pecans). These are some of our first big "pop" of color.

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