Wednesday, November 9, 2016

For my readers from overseas

 Am I dreaming? 
Has the world gone mad--or have I?
~ H.G. Wells

This blog began as a place to record walks - with my dogs, my friends, my dear husband, my family - wherever and whenever. We have had some adventures here and abroad. We've tried new things and will try more. Writing is a therapeutic experience for me. Some posts flow with little effort. Others make me work for the right tone, the right feel, the story as I saw/felt/understand it. All teach me something and I am happy for you, dear readers, to come along if you so choose. Over the years the blog has become a journal of sorts. So, that being said, here was my walk - spiritual/emotional quest  for meaning - today. Perhaps my efforts to understand will answer some of your questions.

I know you may be wondering what is happening in America after the events of yesterday.

You may be asking, "What were people thinking?"

I wish I knew.

I suspect they were not thinking. Seriously.

It reminds me of psychological studies (as well as anecdotal evidence) that people see and hear what they want/expect to see and hear.* The voters believed one person was a liar and the other lied less. Further, it seems that many people chose to believe that the president-elect didn't really mean the things he has said throughout the campaign. I suppose that remains to be seen.**

We will likely have 4 years to see what this election will mean (politically, economically, educationally, scientifically, medically, environmentally) to America - short and long term.

Unfortunately there is a great deal of anti-social behavior that has been unleashed by the harsh, xenophobic, racist, misogynistic, immoderate, biased (need I go on?) rhetoric of the campaign. There has been an extremist and mean spirit abroad in this country for some time. [Seriously, have you seen our "reality television"?] I believe this is the undercurrent responsible for the burning of churches, temples and mosques. I believe this is the undercurrent responsible for the assault on racial, ethnic and religious minorities. We did not need this undercurrent given legitimacy, but that appears to be what the campaign did - it enabled/empowered this cancer to come out of the shadows.

It also appears that white men realize they are losing control of American society. As women become educated in greater numbers, enter the workforce, delay or reject motherhood and compete with men for the limited jobs available, men are pushing back any way they can. They are threatened and afraid. Blue collar workers and members of the struggling middle class also rejected the candidate they saw as the government insider. In their desire for change, they chose to elect a person with no experience to lead the country.***

There is also a backlash against science in the country. People don't want to believe we are in a dangerous place with respect to climate change and the hazards to our environment. This is "denial." If I deny a problem exists, I don't have to deal with it. Some folks don't understand, choose not to learn about it, deny it exists and buy into the folks who (for their own personal reasons - usually self-serving) will support those views. Science be damned.

Oh, I cannot forget the role the press played in this silliness. FOX TV has been making up stories about liberal candidates and environmental issues for years. They have been the mouthpiece, the dirty tricks arm of the conservatives. People have been brainwashed. Further, the mainstream media found that the president-elect's behavior/antics sold papers and increased audiences. He made news. They covered him, not issues. They failed us.

All this being said, does it really matter how we got here? Here we are.

What are we going to do about it?

I believe the majority of America is appalled. We are going to work hard to contain the damage. We are going to support each other and try to protect those who appear to be targets of this "movement." We will need to advocate for those who have no voice. We will need to provide for our brothers and sisters.

Sometimes it will be a day to day and personal battle. Sometimes the fight will be in our local communities or states. Other times we will have to make sure our federal government responds. It seems a daunting undertaking, but we will have to take each day as it comes.

We will also need to build lines of civil communication with those who are angry, afraid, and disturbed enough have so acted. We will have to model civil behavior for all.

As I end I must admit I am dismayed, shocked, and afraid. And I am exhausted.

It is time to rest and regroup. As the days go by, I am confident that those who believe as I do will continue the good fight. Time and time again in moments of crisis I have seen heroes arise. I am already watching some of them on social media. Brave young men and women are speaking out. We have seen peaceful protest marches in major cities. We won't go back.

Mid-term elections are only 2 years away. Another presidential election happens in 4. We have a great deal of work ahead.

Stay tuned.



**Silly me. I tend to believe what someone tells me they believe and what they plan to do.

***Again, silly me. When I go to the doctor, I choose someone with training and experience. I like my public servants to have some training and experience.


We are not the only country where there seems to be an attitude of isolationism (Hello, England!). The world is a scary place. Folks seem to want to hide. This is not the first time this attitude has been pervasive in the western world. It wasn't pretty the last time. I hope we fare better as we work through it.

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