Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Walk before class

<Heavy breathing> *

Just in from a quick walk this morning. Schools are opening late (including where I take my class) and so the traffic was quite brisk. So was the air.

There are icicles everywhere - not big ones. And all are dripping as the temperature rises ever so slightly.

It was not a calms walk. People were backing out of drives and the rumble and roar of cars and trucks distressed both of my old dogs. I kept close watch as we crossed streets - people in a hurry do not pay attention.

I debated going in early (weird - early for this late opening).**

DH refused to walk with us. But he still managed a sarcastic remark about my cold weather gear ("she impersonates the homeless"). I impersonate someone who wants to be comfortable in the wretched weather. I also want to be left alone. The stranger I look, the less likely I am to be bothered.

Ah well, here are the last of the ice photos. We were very lucky. The bad weather was all west and north of us. Those folks will have a few days before things get back to normal.

Not this morning. School opens late.
Ice loves signs.
Pups jockey for position and wind up the leashes. Yes, that is a booboo on Paddy. She fretted over the blow dryer when they gave her a bath at the vet. She chewed the hair off her haunch. She is a fretful girl...getting old, like me.
Ice on one of my beloved trash cans (actually, I love the recycling more!).
Ice coated photinia (Note the new red growth. Everything - but the pecans and mesquites - was fooled by the unseasonably warm weather we had earlier this month.


* From the cold and exertion...be nice.

**Even as my cheeks warm, I am taking stock of what I will need for the trip (warm clothes, id, phone - what it I get stranded?) and class (how will the instructor manage with less than half a class period this morning?).

UPDATE - 2-25-15


Snow on the sidewalk just outside the back door.
Some plnts catching the snow.
Snow collecting.
Falling hard.
Will have to clear these windows.

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