Friday, February 13, 2015

Allergies and algae

This guy was not amused when we left his friend at home.

Our early morning walk this morning was fleece-cold and quick. We were "in between" the best and worst times and decided to head home knowing that we would travel to the creek this afternoon.

And three of us did take an hour or so to wander the wildlife area. Paddy, still recovering from her injured paw,  had to stay home.

Walker and Scruff
My sweet boys, Scruff and DH
TDW was unloading as we arrived and the car was surrounded. We off-loaded and headed into the park. It was a surprisingly warm afternoon. Butterflies - YES, butterflies - were fluttering in the fields. There weren't many, only three small yellow and one silver. But it is exciting to witness the first signs of spring.

Of course, the weather reports indicate some winter weather next week. For now we will enjoy the sunshine and think of our freezing northern neighbors under feet of snow.

Look at this beautiful day!

The three middle-aged walkers coughed, sniffed, sneezed, and wheezed our way through the park. We each described our symptoms and concurred that we are suffering from allergies, not colds. We were a noisy bunch as we walked along, willing to combat the "cedar fever" I suspect is the culprit, in order to enjoy the park.

I had wanted to explore part of the creek, so we headed there first. A few weeks ago I lost a fossil there.* I was also just curious to look and see if there was anything interesting just laying around.  The creek is not quite covered with a nasty looking green algae. The dogs didn't seem to care and jumped in anyway. Scruff came out with some across his nose. Then we headed across the creek to a layered ledge.

He stayed right with me the whole time I scrambled around a rock-fall and waded back across a narrow part of the creek. DH and TDW talked politics and kept up with the other three dogs while Scruffy and I discovered some interesting branches (?)** and shells.

Netting left/lost by fishermen
At first I could not remember why I took this photo.
Then I saw it - shell fossil
Scary tree on the creek bank.
Another shell further down the creek
Looks like a squirrel nest.
Scruffy tiptoed through the brambles in the woods.
This area is crisscrossed with old fencing. It does behoove one to watch for barbed wire.
We came out of the woods to see a group of buzzards (turkey vultures) circling around.
They started close and then headed further and further away.
I have always thought they were so pretty as the swooped and around. Just don't look too close. Pretty scary looking birds.***
TDW and DH chatting. Notice the nest above them.
Little tiny wildflowers! Yea!
There you go - closeup. These guys couldn't wait.


* I found part of a large nautiloid the other day. It was so large I saw it from across the creek and headed over to pick it up. I found another, different fossil too and then picked up the large fossil. It was part of the central spiral and part of the outer curve. By the time I picked my way back through the loose rocks the center had fallen out.

Today I scanned the ground and was surprised to find what I thought might be that central piece. Sure enough, here is the proof:

You can see why I would be able to see it across the creek and recognize it originally. Finding the center part (that fit perfectly) was more than lucky.

Then, after I got home, I found another rock I had picked up a couple of weeks ago. It is the ground where a fossil had rested and has the impression of the fossil in it (there is a name for this, but I am too lazy to look it up). To my surprise, it fits this fossil. Amazing!

Because the ridges are so pronounced I thought that this "impression" looked like it might be from the same fossil.
Perfect fit.
No question.

** Wonder what these are - coral?

These are clearly some kind of fossil. I will try and look them up. The black disk is my lens cap.


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