Sunday, February 22, 2015

Perfect morning...

At 50 degrees (F), it was the perfect weather for a walk. We headed out for the neighborhood park in the dim morning light. By now we should have been able to see the sunrise starting, but the entire sky-dome was filled with clouds.

I love Sunday morning walks. It seems that most of our neighbors sleep late and there are few cars moving along our busy street and few dogs barking out in their yards.

With my flashing "runners'" lights, I felt like the only Christmas tree around until we saw the red and cold and green lights surrounding the window of the house we call the frat house. It is actually two or three houses connected and is often for rent. We suspect it houses local college students - hence the party lights, I suppose.

We walked well into the park and were greeted by the birds.

There was some "call and response" singing, but by the time we were well into the park, it appeared that most of the birds were showing off. It was as if they were saying "top this!"

There is construction in the park. We always watch for loss of green/loss of trees. What good is a park without green? In this case they are taking in a large expanse of curbside grass near the baseball fields. Clearly it is an increase of parking. Normally we would grumble, but it is easy to put a positive spin on this construction. It is limited and will, hopefully, keep the crowds from parking on the grass.

Yes, dear friends, many times I have walked through the park and witnessed people parking in the fields - some across the sidewalks and jogging path - and crushing the grass. What have we become?

As we headed home a slight sprinkle started. We barely noticed, but I felt one drop on my earlobe (weird). Iris and paperwhites are blooming in more yards than just ours. Everything will be shocked on Monday if the ice (and snow?) promised arrives.

Here are our paperwhites smiling in the side yard:

Rain on these will freeze overnight.

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