Thursday, March 27, 2014

New York City?

DH and I are waiting for a delivery today. The dishwasher is being replaced and we know some of the negotiation of machines could be a challenge in this old, oddly shaped house. I am taking the day. He is taking the morning.

So, we slept late and walked the middle of the the sounds of the 7:00 train with its screaming brakes against iron tracks. I turned to the man and shouted, "We might as well be in New York." He nodded.

So we strolled down the sidewalk as the cars and trucks and school buses rushed by. The misty weather couldn't decide whether to be a drizzle or fog.  We navigated our way around the giant trash containers (I love 'em, but forget that they become obstacles on trash day).

DH didn't even flinch when we started to walk towards the dirt road. "Let's just see how muddy it is," said I.

It was dry. But you could see that a truck had come by when it was wet. Deep ruts have created a hazard for smaller vehicles* that might try to head down to the practice fields in the meadows.

The meadows have been mowed and tree limbs (that had extended over the road) cut. I saw nothing blooming big or showy, but tiny white flowers along the edge of the woods indicated dewberry vines would fruit this year (of course the deer and birds will get all the berries).

A bird flew low across the road as we neared the far meadow (OK - I know that sounds weird - just go with it). The dogs paid attention. Three does were feeding at the edge of the clearing. The sighting was quick. We saw them, they saw us, they turned to flee, the dogs alerted and it was over.

The dogs were agitated the rest of the walk back. Scruffy found every deer trail off the road and tried to follow each of them (Paddy may be a retriever, but Scruffy is a tracker).

We think one of the deer circled around as we saw one cross the trail back at the first meadow after we turned around.

Paddy dragged on the trip home. I don't know if she was tired or "out of shape" or (a possibility I do not really want to consider) if she is simply getting old. 



Stranger danger: If you have worried about all the wanderers in the neighborhood and are curious about what we found today: One man passed us a few blocks from the house. He greeted us first and all seemed normal. Then two older walkers (I have to watch my terminology. I suspect I will always consider myself "middle aged" although I am really beyond that designation and I am not getting any younger.) walked past me as I returned the dogs to the yard. They were all bundled up against the damp. DH and I had walked in T-shirts and caps (so do we "judge" age based on gear - the more bundled, the older?). I spoke and they replied.

Wildflowers: I was surprised to see the buttercups closed. They were wide open the other morning at 6, so why were they closed today? Was it the moisture? Had they bloomed out? I will walk down later and check. MY BLUEBONNETS are recovering from the transplant and appear to be trying to bloom!

1 comment:

  1. Drizzle now - even though nothing is showing up on radar. [I could have told you there would be a mess as I am having an appliance replaced and men are walking in and out of my house - tracking lots of mud. But my floor needed mopping anyway...all part of the journey.]


Thanks for coming along on the walk. Your comments are welcome.