Saturday, April 6, 2013

Saturday, Saturday!

Six o'clock this morning! What were we doing up so early on a Saturday?

Spring is here.

We walked east towards a cold blue morning sky, dappled with dark scattered clouds. Little light shown from the sliver of moon still visible above us. There would be no golden and rosy sunrise, but we would trudge down the road to be greeted by the cacophony of morning bird songs in the park.

No people were visible during our walk to the pavilion and away, but three cars were parked near the playing fields.

For cautious walkers cars without driver indicate warning. But Padimus and Scrufimus and I had company this morning. So we did not walk alone into the park and we were all wary. But no one (man or beast) appeared during our walk - no runners, no walkers, no dog people, no deer, no park cat, no fox, and no skunk.

We only heard the morning bird song, the roar of traffic on the interstate in the distance and, finally, the clank and bang of the trash truck moving through the neighborhood.

I left the the pups and DH at the house and traveled on to the farmers' market. We have two competing markets in town. The tightly regulated one has yet to open. The "free for all" was just warming up.  I found local honey, loads of plants, field greens, goat cheeses, beets and field greens. I was surprised to see young Jesus, a now teenager who helps his parents sell flour tortillas and tamales.

I feasted on a goat feta and field cheese soft taco...a Greek-Mexican fusion-ish warm breakfast.

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