Friday, April 5, 2013

A new friend

It has been a rough week. Pups have had to deal with rapidly changing weather. And they were all distracted in their walk today.

At the springs there were almost too many distractions for man and beast. Every green thing was  growing crazy - budding or blooming or vining or fruiting. The wild mustang grapes looked like they will bear well this year. I have not found any in recent years - not enough water I suspect. Perhaps our rains this year have been timed right.

The dewberry vines were blooming their bright white flowers against the dark vines and leaves. Then, of course, the purple wild verbena were out and starting to spread themselves in the fields. The coneflowers were just coming up and leafing out. I noticed something that almost looked like a cross between a violet and a wild petunia. Some aster-like white flowers, yellow wild coreopsis (?), and dandelions of many varieties were scattered through the prairie. [But the dominant blooming event was the dewberry - stunning.]

We climbed over and under new tree falls - victims of the wild weather of late. It will take some work to clear a few trails, but some trees are always left to decay naturally. While this is the way of things, my heart breaks to see ancient trees broken - first weakened by the drought and then wrecked by the wind and rainstorm.

The dogs, however, ignored the changes to the canopy and the trail. They were more interested in a new scent, a low flying vulture, or movement in the meadow.

Along one trail we met a friend of TDW. C and his tiny dog, Snoopy, were introduced as we wandered to the bridge and then river for a quick swim (dogs only). Snoopy was young and energetic. And she smelled the cookies in my pocket.

We did not walk along the limestone ledges today. People were tired and dogs not themselves. My guys just stared at the car and had to be convinced to get in, then "fell out" in the yard when we arrived at the house.

We have no photos as the camera had no battery today. Our spring resolution - make sure the camera is juiced up for each walk. We don't want to miss a thing.

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