Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Ring

The world is full of magic things, 
patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. 
~ W.B. Yeats

"I've lost my ring," I shared with DH two days ago.

It's been one of those weeks. My schedule was shot, the dog rolled in something awful, I left a dozen eggs out - things were simply "off." Maybe it was just getting back from the fog of a virus. Whatever, my garnet ring was missing.

It's not an expensive ring, I just like to wear garnets - long story that matters not for this tale.

I remembered finding it on my shelf in the art barn on Monday and putting it in my pocket, but now it was gone. [Okay, I know you want to know why it was on the shelf at school and why I didn't put it on when I found it. Well, I cannot throw with it on and it marks the works so I take it off when making and put it on when I leave. Or that's what I should be doing.]

I'd emptied my wallet and pockets. It wasn't there. [I suppose I shouldn't mention I had also put a different ring in my pocket which I did find.] I shrugged and figured I would find the garnet, or not.

Yesterday, DH came in and said, "Here!" Then he handed me the ring.

I asked where he found it. "It was in my pocket," he said as he patted the back pocket of his pants.

How had that ring gone from the back pocket of MY shorts and into the back pocket of HIS pants? What kind of magic was this?

After thinking about it a while, he said, "Dog bags."

It appears that when I had picked up some extra dog poo bags in the park on Monday my ring had gotten caught in the folds. I later emptied my pocket-full of spare bags into a container in our utility room (so we can grab them as we go out the door with Zelda).  DH picked up these bags when he next walked the dog. The ring dropped out of the bags and into DH's pocket.

Even the explanation is a bit of magic.

Yeah, I'm wearing it. Not taking any chances, until I forget.

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