Sunday, November 5, 2017

Feed a Cold*

Sickness is the vengeance of nature for the violation of her laws.
~Charles Simmons

I thought I was taking care of me. Really. But I started getting a scratchy throat and woke up the next morning under the blanket of a cold/sinus infection - or something. 

The body seems to wait for an opening. Are projects done? Is there time for it? Boom!

Yesterday was a day abed. DH brought offerings of coffee and tortilla soup. 

When he came upstairs for a nap, I deserted the room so my coughing wouldn't keep him awake.

It was a kindness, I suppose that this is the weekend we "fall back" and I get an extra hour to sleep.

<Sigh> Time to go get some soup and meds and head back to bed (or maybe watch just one more sappy holiday movie - no judgment!).**

Get your flu shot people. This mess isn't pretty, but flu would be worse!



**Actually, I am trying to work through the 42 (yikes) draft posts I discovered here. Some are almost completed. Some need text. Some need photos. Some are simply a "title" or a cool quote. I'm down 6 and slowly moving toward my comfort level of 25. Hurrah!

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