Thursday, May 31, 2018

In Spite of the Heat

The morning heat had already soaked through the walls, 
rising up from the floor like a ghost of summers past."
―Erik Tomblin, Riverside Blues

Oh, heavens! The temperatures are already ridiculous - high 90s.

Walks must be taken early and quickly.

The park was busy with walkers and runners, birds and squirrels.

It was lovely.

Thursday morning observations:

A Red-shouldered hawk. Because of the size of his eye in relation to his body, I wonder if he isn't a juvenile. He also let us get much closer than most adult hawks would.
This little green heron was the only heron stalking the creek today.
A big patch of water-willow in the creek
Sweet evening primroses were still blooming - Pink Lady.
A giant cottonwood tree - the devil.
Cottonwood seeds pile up like snow along the creek-side path. This time of year is hard for many of us allergic to the cottonwood.
A group of crows were goofing off - preening and what looked like feeding each other. Maybe they were fighting for food.

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Thanks for coming along on the walk. Your comments are welcome.