Sunday, April 9, 2017

Hot Date

Every day is a good day.
~ Yun-men

DH and I took a little trip. We were able to have a wonderful visit and breakfast with family. But we don't seem to be able to pace ourselves these days. 

Friday afternoon we found ourselves worn out. We slept for hours. Then we needed to walk off the fog and eat...and get ready for a long hike in the morning (stand by for the hike).

Since we were staying in a hotel in a shopping area, there was no place to go, but shopping.* I know we can do this sort of thing anytime and anywhere, but this time in this place was our small accommodation to "tired" on this trip to the big city.

I'm sharing the photos out of order, but they tell a better story this way.

Our first date involved an alley and a dumpster (and on one visit with Mom and Dad, we were dumpster diving for pickle buckets) so cutting through the alley with DH was almost romantic.

This was a huge alley.
No, we did not go dumpster diving this time.

Nothing like dating a big spender! We had eaten some fabulous Mexican food earlier and needed to "go easy" for supper...

We had shopping to do - and it was late.

Then I was off to the shoe store while DH hit the bookstore (where I joined him for a review of wonderful titles).

Didn't find any shoes to buy, but found some I LOVED. These were the shoe winners!
The title winners were many. I couldn't choose (one you may have seen before).

Math for life!
[No political comments here]
It is tax time...but more, I kinda resemble this title.
Thought provoking
Used to read books like this. Now I don't have to.
 Who hasn't used a guide to literature.**
Once featured here in hard-back, it's out in paperback! I especially loved its neighbors.

Them what know us know that we went back to the hotel with reading material. I found a book of "Zen" quotes on the "cheap books" table. DH found a few things too.

Great date.


* There was also movie theater, but the reviews described it as less than a pleasant place to watch a movie, so we skipped the show.

**I don't recommend scholars rely on a guide, but this one is rowdy and hysterical.

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