I had forgotten that I was going to invite a biology student friend of mine (JH) out to the wildlife area. I came home with photos of cocoons and milkweed seed pods and shared them. I often seek help with identifications and so had included this friend in the effort.
So today seemed a good day to take him to see what we could see.
We located the cocoon on the cactus and JH confirmed it was a bagworm. We kept walking down to the creek. The dogs were mostly good.
At one point Paddy climbed up the cliff on the other side of the creek and found herself caught up in the brambles. She simply could not get out. I was about to go over and up to see if I could help her when she decided her only option was to jump. I caught her as she somehow fell/scrambled down the side of the cliff.
She is a wonder, that dog. Scruffy often tries to keep an eye on her, but today he was with me for much of the long walk (and trash collection) back. Paddy, on the other hand continued to take-off on her own. At times all we could see of her was a little dark blur in the grass and a bit of tail waiving above the weeds here and there.
Paddy also found some smells that were just too good. She rolled and rolled in them. This is why they are "outside" dogs. I do not need
whatever-that-was in my house.
We came out of the creek at the more wooded/bramble-filled section. We followed Scruffy down the deer trails to a clearing. Jokes were made about the place. "This is where the druids dance." DH told stories of the Wicca group on a federal reservation. Then we found the trail through the rest of the woods and onto the prairie.
We remembered to bring trash bags on this trip and we filled them with shotgun shells, water bottles, soda cans, rusted who-knows-what, and large plastic bottles that had been used as targets. There is plenty of trash left, but we made a small dent in the mess. I always feel like this is a little bit of pay-back for our use of the park. I wish folks would just clean up after themselves, but that is too much to ask.
Beautiful day in the park...morning sun. |
As we started into the park we saw a bird's nest. How had we missed this in earlier walks? |
No one was home. Most of the nests I have pictured have been low to the ground. While they are often found in thorny trees, it is anyone's guess if any were successful. |
Paddy located a scent near the cedars....Scruffy headed over to see what is up. |
Gotta follow where the scent trail leads. |
Well, now it's just time to run down the trail. |
Walking partners arrived. TDW on the left in the back. JH stands with Hugo and DH. |
Each day is different. The morning sun filtered through the trees illuminating the path. |
Dogs wandered through the trees. |
Our guys would run and come back. We are always too slow and they want us to hurry. |
We made it to the creek for a drink. |
I looked around for fossils - found few. The dogs scrambled up the cliff. Scruffy came when called. |
The creek view is beautiful. But our sweet Paddy was having none of it, She had to climb. We called and called her. Then we watched as she tried to escape the brambles. As I started to walk over - to see if I could help her she looked off the edge of the cliff, as if she was going to jump. And then she did. |
A close-up of the previous photo. Here she is as she touches down under the cliff. |
Scruffy wading. |
In this spot along the creek you can see the layers of rock and dirt in the bank. |
The creek slows to almost a trickle is places. |
In other spots the creek is deep and wide...or just wide. |
This grass may be part of the formation of another marshy island or more. The weeds will catch more silt, the flow and small floods will bring more rocks and silt to be deposited against the weeds. More grass will grow. Without a big flood, we may have another place to cross the creek in a few years. |
DH and JH in the clearing. No Druids dancing today. |
At the edge of the clearing was a pile of red bricks. Now what would the Druids be doing with bricks? We tried to figure out why the bricks were here. But there was no indication of an earlier building or foundation that we could see. |
Scattered bricks. |
Do you see the nest? |
It was almost impossible to take photos - this was a twiggy and thorny mess. |
Then we came upon another example of the cocoon we were looking for.
Bagworms camouflage their cocoons so they can be hard to find. |
Here is a closeup. This was one smart creature. See how the thorns create perfect protection around the leaf-covered cocoon? |
On our way back to the gate we started filling the trash bags we brought this trip. |
I would turn around and see some bottle or can shining in the sun and turn back to pick it up. Then Scruffy came back for me. |
Small planes started flying over us on the way to the nearby airport. See this one? |
It is a bit easier to see here. |
And here. |
Remains of a wildflower...sunflower? |
And then Paddy found a "smell."
Paddy rolling in a scent(?) |
Clearly she was loving it. |
Scruffy came over and sniffed. Then he just watched his crazy friend. |
"Oh, just leave me here!" |
Our gathering of trash. |
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