Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Two good companions. Maybe three.

We are expecting some serious rain today/tonight. I knew the dogs would need to get out and about this morning, since they will probably be cooped up with us tonight - out of the wind and rain, lightning and thunder.

I was up at 5, a happy result of the time change. I like an early start on the day and I tried to rouse DH. No luck.

After I started the coffee, prepared the dog food, checked the weather again, and found my walking shoes (stop judging me!) I shamed DH out of bed. He grumbled, but cooperated and we walked down to the local park.

It was a mild morning with clouds keeping the darkness close around us.

It was a barky day. I suppose the neighborhood dogs have not "adjusted" to the time change. They were all awake and guarding their turf. I am sure we irritated more than one neighbor as we walked past, riled the dog, and thus disturbed the last of the neighbors' sleep. Bummer.

We saw our friend, running man in the park. Okay, I will admit that I did not see him. I was examining the edge of the woods to see if I could find any of the wild seeds of the purple leather flower.  I am less attentive when DH is along. I still pay attention to potential dog attacks (I know where the dogs are a negligent door-open or a weak fence away from attack, because we have been attacked twice on this stretch of road). I do watch for "wild things" in the park. But I do not worry about runners and walkers and so I did not notice running man run by. DH assures me that they exchanged a wave in the passing.

The wildest thing we saw this day was a sleek grey tabby who ran across the road and gained the rapt attention of Scruffy. Paddy is losing her sight and focus and she missed the cat completely. DH had slowed us down as he saw the cat under a car before she fled across the street. He knew the pups might react wildly if they saw a strange cat so close (they barely notice Hobbes - he is a piece of furniture to them, but a cat outside is prey.).

We had already noticed the paper guy was late. He was throwing the news as we hit the "halfway home" point. Then we started to see the paper readers hustling out to grab their newspapers before the drizzle ruined the read. One man lingered at the curb for a moment or two. We "good morning-ed" and "how are you-ed."

I said, "The dogs aren't really behaving today." And then he made the day - "It looks like you have two good companions there!" he said before turning towards the house. Then he turned back and chuckled, "Maybe three."

Two good companions...maybe three. Hahahaha!

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