Sunday, October 28, 2012

Silly drivers and acorns

The Esperanza almost glows in the bright sunlight of a Sunday morning

Paddy has hurt a paw so we left her home today. Scruffy was great -  so much easier to manage on his own. It was a sunny-bright Sunday morning. I doubt it was above 60 degrees, but the sunshine was warm on our fleeced backs. The breeze made it cold in the shade, but pleasant in the sun.

The park witnessed a soccer game or two this morning and a number of cars were parked in strange spots. We though they might belong to folks looking for first fall of pecans, but the people were just sitting in the cars - eating an early lunch? waiting for friends? lost?

We checked for purple leather flower seeds. There were 20 or more  of the spiny seed-pods still bright green, growing along the edge of the woods. And then we found two tiny blooms. It is amazing to me how plants will hold on to the bitter end of the growing season.

Purple leather flower STILL blooming

As we headed home we saw a couple of teenagers staring at a white sedan in their drive. The closer we got, the clearer the circumstances became. The driver of the sedan had misjudged the driveway and the driver's side of the car was teetering on top of the retaining wall fronting that yard. The rear wheel was elevated about 10 inches above the sidewalk.

We walked on, neither of us good at engineering or physics - our suggestions would be of no use in this situation. It was going to take something to fix. The revving of engines, grating of metal against concrete and grinding of tires on gravel continued behind us. DH talked of the days he would have gotten 7 or 8 friends to "lift" a vehicle out of such a predicament.

After we walked three more blocks I could stand it no longer. I turned around to see the car slightly further back into the street, but still impossible caught on the concrete wall.

Acorns: Burr oak, live oak, red oak

I've mentioned the acorns we have been crunching underfoot the last few weeks. I handed Scruff over to DH and I gathered a few acorns to share here before starting the chores I have been putting off this weekend.

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