Tuesday, October 30, 2012

One puppy down - short walks and the campus cat

I have been taking very short walks to make sure Padimus gets exercise, but doesn't hurt her paw any more than it already is.

I thought I had it figured out. I would keep her inside until the dew dried in the grass. I let her out at noon and brought her in to sleep tonight. The bandage was not just dirty. It was dirty and wet, nasty, disgusting. Get the picture? [If not, see below.]

So, after forcing down more antibiotics and pain meds I rebandaged the paw. It isn't pretty, but I think we need to keep it clean a little longer.

This pet doctoring is eating my walk time. There will be a longer walk with Scruff in the morning. He has been so patient as he waits for his bud to return.

Today a short walk at work allowed me a long look at the campus cat. Reports are that she has lived here since she was a kitten. She seems to like my building almost as well as the Admin. Building.

Here she is:

Nice bench, but no food!

Why are there rocks on the sidewalk?

Every time I come out here the view changes.

Nothing good in that trash can.

Where did the smokers go?

 And Paddy's dirty paw:

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