The day is done, and the darkness
Falls from the wings of Night,
As a feather is wafted downward
From an eagle in his flight.
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I regularly find feathers in the yard and around. It's illegal to hang on to them if they are not a game species (come on, like I would even know?). So I take a photo or two and post them on iNaturalist. Sometimes I know the bird (Blue Jays are pretty easy). But sometimes it's a bit of a mystery.
This week I found these feathers. I knew the jay, but the other...hmmm...
Yeah. It's a Blue Jay |
The identification app suggested vulture or wild turkey. That did not seem right so I just put "Bird" as a placeholder.
The mystery feather that has been identified as from an Eastern Screech Owl! |
One member suggested "Eastern Screech Owl" - one of my favorite birds. It's even a bird I know by ear! I expressed some skepticism and he replied with a fabulous website that clearly identifies my feather (um, the feather I left on the ground in my yard) as from a screech owl.
Guess I'm going to start a page where I add bird feathers found and identified.
This is it.
The magic website:
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I've got a feather on my window sill that needs an ID.