Saturday, May 6, 2017

Just Step Into the Yard

          “After all," Anne had said to Marilla once, 
"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those 
on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens 
          but just those that bring simple little pleasures, 
following one another softly, 
          like pearls slipping off a string.”  

 ~ L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea

We have been home, catching up on chores and talking, planning a little and resting up for the "next" thing. 

The front lawn was mowed and it has delivered a few raccoons, a Monarch butterfly, a hummingbird, and young Cardinals - at different points during this week.

Z and I run around outside every now and again. She mostly heads for the sunshine, while I stick to the shade. But neither of us can ignore the creatures...the Cardinals were taking advantage of newly filled feeders.*

Zelda enjoying some sun.
I watered today and found a couple of immature cardinals at the bird feeders.

The hummingbird was gathering nectar from the Altheas (blooming along the hedge-line). It was very drab and so I suspect a female - probably Black-chinned. It could be an immature hummingbird of another variety. I was so surprised (may be the only hummingbird I have ever seen in my yard). I only really registered its drab/buff color.

The Monarch was feeding from flowering shrubs near the front porch. It hung around a while, but I had no phone (this is a bad habit when I am just heading to the front yard. Gotta stop that.) so no photo.

I also missed photos of the raccoons. Zelda surprised them in the flowerbed. I have to wonder where they are living (and what they are destroying).  Still, they are adorable when watching a curious dog headed their way.

Yes, just as we are downsizing and "letting go" the yard reminds me of more reasons this has been a special place.

I still find plastic army men where the sand box stood...and Paddy's marbles** work their way to the surface of the ground under the cedar elm tree.

One hardy gladiola bloomed this year (where has it been hiding?) and other colorful surprises remind me of the work I (and others long gone) have done in this yard.





*I wonder if that is also what attracted the raccoons - the feeders are supposed to be squirrel-proof, but is anything raccoon-proof?

**We don't know who left the marbles, but they are in "Paddy's spot" and we think she dug a few out.

Who lost these?

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