Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Z and Me

DH has been gone for a few days to help a friend.

This meant I had company for almost everything. Z is still pretty anxious when I am out of her sight. So, she came along for most things.

Here she is riding with me as I picked up a friend's newspaper (we didn't even have to get out of the car - just opened the door and scooped up the paper). She was not excited by the outing.

Yes, Z needs a bath and a trim.*

I've done laundry and sorted through STUFF for hours. Zelda napped and followed me through the house. She sat in the hall if I was in the kitchen or bathroom. [She doesn't seem to like the TV so she moves away from the set when it is on.]

If I went upstairs I heard her strange plop-plop, click-click behind me (she has an odd way of climbing and descending the stairs. It is as if  the hind end moves faster than the front end).  She kept heading upstairs and climbing into her bed.  I FINALLY realized that, since she usually naps with DH,** these were the times she was used to taking a nap!

<SIGH>   She is like a two year old following behind me all the time. At least she isn't talking or asking questions. As it is we have heard fewer than a half dozen barks from her. Whimpers, yes.*** Barks, no.

On our way home with the paper the sky was gorgeous. The sun was struggling to show through the gathering clouds. I kept looking for a place to stop. We tried two parks. At one we had the wrong angle on the sky.

Love those trees rooted in the sky.
I missed the "good" shot. **

At the second we were surprised by masses of vultures making their lazy circling glides. I'm not sure anything was dead. They seemed to be enjoying the change in temperature and wind direction. A mild front came in between 6 and 8 this morning.

There was a small sandbar in the river that was covered with birds as well. I didn't wander far from the car.  There was another vehicle in the park and I could not see the driver. Even in our little town, it is not good to hang out in the parks alone. I felt safe with the other dogs, but Zelda is so friendly and passive - she's not much of a deterrent to those with mischief on their mind.

A few of the vultures perched in the tree.

I'd like to say that Zelda was good when I got out of the car for photos...so I will. If I stayed within a few steps of the car, she was fine. If I wandered too far, I could hear her starting to fret.

It is all good. It is all in aid of teaching her to stay and helping her understand that we will come back. We WILL.

She is a work in progress. Aren't we all?


*We are planning a "puppy trim" soon.

**She goes upstairs and gets in HER bed and sleeps while he naps. She is NOT allowed on the furniture although I understand she sneaks into my chair when I am gone and DH is not paying attention.

***Whimpering in dogs = whining in kids

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