Sunday, December 4, 2016

Who knows when to come in out of the rain?

Well, obviously we don't.

And the frogs were calling.*

We haven't had a chance to go on an "amphibian watch" since October. We knew there was one today at an unfamiliar (and more distant) park. We debated. We weren't sure we would have the energy - I've had a cold for a week and DH had already spent a good deal of time driving in the crazy (cold rain) weather. Still, we "geared up" (I wore 5 layers) and loaded ourselves and Zelda** into the car for the hour's drive.

We didn't need the sign. It was in the low 40s when we arrived and the temperature kept dropping.

We gathered with a few experienced watchers and some fellow newbies. We didn't really expect to see any frogs and were surprised by one lone cricket frog at the lake's edge. We measured and photographed.

There were hundreds of waterfowl. I really have no idea. Now I am thinking, maybe American coots as they were seen there in great numbers recently. We also saw a Great Egret fly over. I did not see it land (or I would have been over there trying for a bad cell phone photo).
We headed down to the lake - a soil conservation lake.

We heard the cry, "frog" and gathered at the edge of the lake. KM chose to catch the frog in her hands instead of trying a net.
It was a Blanchard's cricket frog. They are so tiny.
People, it was cold. It was wet.

It was almost full dark when the last of the watchers came up from the water.

Half of the group had moved to the parking lot where we listened for  and at the parking lot wondering where the rest were. They had walked the length of the shore and were heading back...flashlights showing the way.

One tired puppy in the back of the car (with some of our gear). She did well on the trip. Our plan is to take her when it is appropriate. We took her today as she has spent so much time indoors because of the weather and she was inside most of the morning. Walking with her on a leash is not conducive to even bad cell photos. She kept finding the most fascinating scents and wanted to follow them all.

We returned home happy, but more than a little worn-out.


* Actually, the frogs were not calling. We heard nary a one. We had hoped to hear some Strecker's Chorus Frogs in a nearby pond, but they were smarter than us and were in out of the rain. We will try again.

** Zelda needs a coat and I have looked all over the Internet for a good dog fleece/jacket so that Zelda girl is more comfortable this winter. I found a life jacket too - something for summer boating/river running. Stay tuned.

Final Note: Some day I may have to post all the hunde toilettes I have observed. This one was conveniently located by the human restrooms.

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