Saturday, November 2, 2013

Walking towards the fire


I should apologize, first to the dogs, then to those who enjoy my walks "second hand," and finally, to my waist.  I have hurt my foot. It's not a big deal. It simply needs ice and an Ace bandage and rest. But it is a slow heal.

So I am not walking often and I am not walking far. Adventures are few. So I am catching up here. There will be a mixed bag of posts until I have more stamina and less pain (I am a wuss. Ask my family.). But I am motivated. My warm blue jacket that has walked the hills of Ireland is more than snug. Time for change! And change is coming. [More about that over the next few months.]


Today we were up early - "No, I don't want to walk at 5 on a Saturday," growled DH. And then we were up late - "It's 7. Let's go!" encouraged the sore-footed walker.

We "geared up" as it was 68 degrees in the house. Who knew how cold it would be outside (apparently 50 or so). Coffee made, pockets filled with keys and cookies and plastic bags, but cell phones were AWOL. "My cell is dead, where's yours?" "Call me on the house phone." [Yes, we still have a home phone, perhaps for just this reason.] Ah, there is is...with all the pocket detritus of yesterday.

As we headed down the street we noticed the sun was rising in line with the street. It was as if we were walking towards a fire.

DH wastes no time and walks ahead with the pups so they don't shake the camera

We walk towards a bright orange sky.

The light is blinding as the sun....rises.

We continued down the street until the dogs "did their business" as my uncle used to say. [This is not a political or social comment. This is simply what my uncle called it. It was a different time. There were no hundetoiletten.]

As I stopped to be a responsible dog owner, DH continued back up the street with the pups. Paddy would have none of it. She stopped, legs splayed. She turned her body to look towards me. I had to laugh. Whether she thought I had more cookies for her or she recognized I was injured and moving slowly or she just didn't want me to be left behind, she stopped cold and waited.

So, it was short cool walk on a bright Saturday morning. Time changes tonight. It will be dark on future walks.

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