Thursday, July 4, 2013

Clearings in the woods...

We woke in time for a quick trip to the park. DH decided to run his usual route (in the opposite direction) so Scruffy, Paddy, and I wandered.

A few neighbors were in their yards, most were clearly preparing for a Friday off. One asked me if I smelled something burning. "No," I said, but I mentioned it could be the fireworks of the night before. Then, after taking a few more steps, I did smell something burnt. After about a block I saw the evidence - firework trash littered the sidewalk and street.

A little of the firework trash left on the sidewalk

This neighbor has a beautiful yard. He was out early trying to figure out what was burning.
I found the same thing a little further on as well. Of course it irritated me. I have become that cranky person who resents scoff-laws risking the safety of the neighborhood and our right to peacefully enjoy our homes without "bombs bursting in air" in the middle of the night. And then there is the issue of terrorizing my animals...

The pups were rambunctious and I remembered why I like the double lead. They twist their leashes and are much less manageable...

We walked along the edge of the woods and glanced through to clearings we don't often see. I was looking for purple leatherflower blooms, but the dogs just followed scent after scent.
Clearing just calling us to explore...

Sunrise glows red on this clearing entrance

Scruff stopped and sat and stared into the woods at one point. It was creepy and weird...and I pushed on.

Finally we found those crazy seeds that signal the vines I sought. And they are not all bloomed out - yet. I found two buds and will look for them again over the next few walks...

Somehow Scruffy's tail slid under these leatherflower seeds showing them off...

Those wild seeds make me laugh and help find the vine in the crazy growth.

I took a few photos, but expect most will be blurry as the dogs were not cooperating. Whatever, they will help me remember the morning.

On our way back we spoke to a few more neighbors before arriving home for breakfast.

Love this tree and the way the sunrise reflected on the trunk.

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