Friday, April 6, 2018

What Special Places Would YOU Show Someone...

...who was thinking about moving to your town?

Our friends (really more family) were coming to town to look around and house hunt a bit. The parents would be preoccupied with neighborhoods/schools/houses and such. But the youngsters would be stuck with DH and me...

Fortunately, we have Zelda (who is a wonder dog). And we speak the same language as these two. MS and JS have inquiring minds and are open to adventure.

One day DH showed them around the post. They saw a museum and The Phantom Warrior. DH attempted to take photos. A couple actually include everyone's head (even that of The Phantom Warrior).

Isn't this the thing that nightmares are made of? Whatever, it is Frank Frazetta's* Death Dealer and Fort Hood's Phantom Warrior. DH calls this "my retirement."
One day we headed down to Inner Space Caverns** and Berry Springs Park.***

The guys headed to the cave....
...while Z and I headed to a birding "hot spot." [The cave didn't have "dog" tickets. Bummer.]
We picnicked and hiked in the woods - at one point hearing a frightening bird cry (it turned out to be a Red-tailed Hawk). We took the required photo in the bluebonnets - even Zelda held still for it. Then we headed back to rest up for the next day.

The guys joined us for a picnic in the park and BLUEBONNETS! Zelda blinked in the bright sun.
Our good friend Tracy McLoud took us to see the Hobbit House one morning. That may have had the biggest impact. I don't know. I didn't ask the guys, but I noted they were speechless as we entered the yard and beheld this masterpiece of cob building.

The Hobbit House. Isn't it amazing!?! It didn't take too long for investigation to begin.
Our friend, Tracy McLoud of Terra Living**** explained the process for the creation of the Hobbit House.
Okay. Big dogs scare me. But Lovell was...well, like his name. He's a love. Still, I was speechless when this giant pooch came around the corner of the house.
Checking out the loft.

The final morning gave us a chance to visit the local used bookstore. [Okay. I know I am downsizing. But since I gave away my childhood set of Encyclopedia Britannica, I think I deserved a book, or two.] We wandered a bit. The guys found books by Isaac Asimov and Tolkien. I found an oldie by du Maurier***** I had not read...AND I FOUND THE HOUDINI BOX.******

During the week we also shared our favorite restaurants - diners, barbecue, and fast food. They found a pizza joint with close-as-you-can-get-to-a-NY-slice as we have tried locally. Wow! THAT was a find!

There wasn't enough just "visiting" as we might have liked, but it was a busy week for all. There will be time for visiting and more adventures ahead. Stay tuned...






*****Don't Look Now - I think this was made into a creepy movie with Donald Sutherland and Julie Christi about a missing (?) child. I seem to remember watching it while expecting my first. I may not make it through the book.

******I love this book. I LOVE THIS BOOK! It was one I read to middle school children (over 20 years ago) with props and confetti. I gotta find a place to read to kiddos again...hmmm.

Final note (no spiders or snakes - we are saving them for next time):

We also did a little bird watching and frog listening on Witter Lane, at Berry Springs, and in Yettie Polk Park. The cormorants, cricket frogs, and scissor tails cooperated.

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Mockingbird (state bird of course) welcomed us to the park.
We have seen so many "white" bluebonnets this year.
There might have been some feeding of ducks in the park after we fed ourselves. No one jumped in the creek.

There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. 
You certainly usually find something, if you look, 
but it is not always quite the something you were after. 
~ J.R.R. Tolkein, The Hobbit


  1. Rose Robertson SmithApril 9, 2018 at 4:56 PM

    I could show you around Nashville.

    1. I'll put it on the list. That's a generous offer. <3


Thanks for coming along on the walk. Your comments are welcome.