Tuesday, April 3, 2018

It Was Just a Little Snake

I am surprised you didn’t whack your head 
on an overhanging branch back there. 
I have never seen anyone leap 
straight up off the ground 
the way you did when you saw that snake!
It would make a good move 
for our next dance.
Do you think you could teach the others? 
The snake jump?
~Jennifer Frick-Ruppert, Spirit Quest

We got home from our long day and immediately headed out for a walk with Zelda - walking down the block, through the park, and back around towards the house. As we approached our yard I saw a snake in the street.

DH and Zelda were walking ahead of me. As I started yelling "Snake, snake, SNAKE!" Zelda jumped up and over the snake (she appeared to recognize the snake at the moment I started yelling). DH jumped up and sideways about a beat later.  [It is my opinion that Zelda and DH do not like snakes. Neither one wanted to get anywhere near it.] The snake kind of ruffled up...zig-zagging its entire length.

"Where's the cell phone?" 

"You have both of them."

"Dang,* I left them in the house. Watch the snake for me while I get one."

[Crazed old lady runs to the house, unlocks the door, and runs back to find dog and man standing in the street watching the snake.]

"Did it move?"

"Just a little."

"It's coming towards me. It's coming towards me. IT'S COMING TOWARDS ME!"**

Western Rat Snake. It was only about 20 inches long.

The snake stopped moving again and photos were taken. "It's not poisonous," I said. "I think it's a rat snake." And so it was.

Beautiful markings.

It was a good day for finding things in the road. Earlier this afternoon I found a small pond slider. It was the third turtle I have observed/assisted on Witter Lane. I moved the turtle across the street (in the direction it was "pointed" when I saw it.

Isn't this a beautiful turtle?
 We let the snake find it's own way across the street.


* Sure. I said "dang" or something like that.

** Why do I repeat everything three times? I did the same thing the other night at the amphibian watch. "Frog, frog, FROG!" Maybe the first word is like a questions to myself - then I call out to the others - then I call out with emphasis because I want to make sure everyone hears me. It's weird and kind of irritating, but I am not sure I can stop it.

Snake looks scary for us 
and we look scary for the snake! 
Always try to see yourself 
from the eyes of others!
~Mehmet Murat ildan

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