Sunday, August 20, 2017

Going on a Porcupine Hunt

We heard there were porcupines.*

We have never seen a porcupine in the wild.

Location somewhat noted - "They were here, nesting up in the trees, but now I think they have moved further into that low spot behind these campsites." - DH and I made a good faith effort to find the nest.

Where would I be if I were a self-respecting porcupine? I wondered.

We walk through an area unknown to us, all the while making sure we did not startle any porcupines. It was a wide drainage channel that would clear rain and floodwater. There were also wires and pipes running along this low spot.

Fallen trees and tree stumps slowly rotted. The earthen sides eroded. In at least one spot a pretty serious retaining wall had been built of railroad ties and re-bar. It too was slowly rotting. This is what you see "behind." I guess this is where the porcupines stay - behind.

We headed down and through the ditch, looking up into the tops of the trees as we moved toward the river.

Then we stopped when we saw the big dogs at the corner campsite. I'm sure the porcupines were staying clear of the dogs, so maybe they are camping further in the woods just before the river and cliff path.

We saw no porcupines today. But we are planning to be back in a few months. There will be fewer people and more time.

It's really just a low spot, but there is no question that water runs through here.
Them what know will recognize the "secret passage."
Limestone ledge with lots of smallish trees.
Logs and stumps. And rocks. We moved slowly in case the porcupines were on the ground.
Quite large retaining wall - we had no idea it was there.
This does not really capture how many Mexican Buckeyes grew in one spot. I love these tree and seeds.
No porcupines hiding in the rocks.
No porcupines hiding in the holes and small caves.
No porcupines preparing to leap on us from the rock ledge above.
This looks like deer to me, not porcupine scat.**
Nope, no porcupines here either.
We were going to lose the sun...
Another old tree trunk.
No porcupines here either.
Hmmm...what do porcupines eat?


*B, the owner told us that one camper, among other things, sometimes let's his dogs off-leash. The dogs found the porcupines. The porcupines weren't amused. Then the dogs weren't amused - nor was their owner. He wanted B to kill the porcupines. She said, "No. I'm not killing my porcupines. You keep your dogs leashed."


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