Monday, August 29, 2016

We didn't get to play with the grand-cats

I believe I was lured to California under somewhat false pretenses. I expected more than a few snuggles with this yawner.

We headed out to California at the request of the youngest and spent our days moving and cleaning and painting.* We also celebrated with two of YC's friends and mentors - an amazing evening of food and conversation - surrounded by books and incredible art. I am inspired!

After our long days we took care of ourselves by finding a couple of nice restaurants and a whale watching adventure (timed to take our minds off the end of the trip and flight home).

Work (only a little packing - then moving, cleaning, and painting):

We didn't have to haul much, but some things are hard to pack. DH says he made two trips. I stayed behind with movers and cleaners and cans of paint.
Some people are trusting. Mothers take photos of the company sign and truck id - just in case. These guys were great!
This sweet boy guarded the door while I painted. In truth, he made 4 trips to the Ace Hardware.
OK. OK. I know I need to keep my "day job." But what I lack in skill I make up for in determination. Here we are starting with the "papaya white" after one coat of primer over the blue.
Tired of driving back and forth to Ace, DH bought the "kit" and was correct that it was what we needed - and more.
I am messy. I think there's still paint on the bottom of my feet (but none on the carpet!).
After that first coat I could tell we would finish in the allotted time.
See? Determination wins!**  You know you are going to do best with a second coat. Let's just say it was "close enough for government work."
I trimmed up some "normal wear and tear" on the "past due for replacement" carpet. You are welcome, Gus!


After our long days we treated ourselves to a couple of restaurants (hey, you know I am going to talk about the food) willing to seat us in our casual clothes and with our paint-speckled arms. The only requirement was the restaurants needed to be within walking distance. We didn't want to drive anywhere and we needed to stretch sore muscles. The first night DH was rewarded with Mexican food at El Torito Grill. The second night I won the toss and we headed to McCormick & Schmick's for seafood.

It's hard to miss this restaurant even as it is surrounded by high rise office buildings and parking garages.
Freshly made tortillas were served with butter and two kinds of salsa. The red was rather spicy - took my breath away!
The service staff was amazing. They brought DH a sample of the sauce for the cheese enchiladas so he could "test the heat."
The shrimp enchiladas were served with a wonderful corn and mango salsa.
At McCormick & Schmick's I ordered a whiskey (hey, it was Thursday and my work was almost done) and the scallops and DH ordered the crab cakes. Apparently there was no time for photos. Trust me, the food was good. The waiter was animated and suggested a spot for dining on the coast.****

Commercial break for a few plants and a crawly:

Irvine, California is basically built in a desert. Irrigate and you have a paradise.

Where do you see flowerbeds full of these crazy blooms?
I've loved these trees since I firs saw them. I haven't a clue of their true identity.
The bark flakes off in sheets.
I've tried to think of some way to use the bark in a project, but have settled on taking some last photos.

During one wait for painting equipment I noticed the Indian Hawthorn shrubs were full of spider webs.
And most of the tunnels were occupied. Clever spiders.
I knew I recognized these bushes.
We grew up with the sweet blooms of the hawthorn at our home.
Cactus in the landscape near our hotel.
I told you the place was a desert.

Ocean Adventure:
We have "whale watched" before...and saw many, many Fin whales (a whale I had never heard of, but is one of the varieties mentioned in Moby Dick).  I was still feeling a bit disappointed in missing out on boating (foul weather) during our summer trip, so I suggested a whale watching trip on a smaller boat. It's not really the right time of year, but I figured we would see something and it would be fun to be out on the water.

Newport Coastal Adventure uses Zodiac boats and takes only six (yes, 6!) passengers on each tour. We quickly headed out of the protected harbor and into the Pacific. Our captain, Taylor, located an area of birds which indicated a prime spot for dolphins - and whales. Apparently the anchovies were running and attracting common dolphins and Minke whales. And we were lucky. Taylor insisted that the enormous pod of hundreds of dolphins (over a mile across) was the largest he had ever experienced. We stayed with the dolphins for over an hour (they raced the boat, surfed in our wake, and came near enough to touch), during which we also saw one sea otter and a Minke whale. The whale stayed with us more than twenty minutes, coming close to the boat and staying near the surface much longer than is normal for this type of whale. We were joined by another Zodiac, a much larger whale watching ship, and a couple of drones.

We waited for our tour near the Balboa Island Ferry.
It's a sweet little thing. Three cars will fit with room for bikers and pedestrians too.
The harbor is full of sailboats.
My videos captured the dolphins so much better.
The dolphins do not pose.
I am supposed to remember what kind of birds we saw. There were plenty of gulls, cormorants, and then these birds that hang out in huge flocks, floating at sea.

You can see the other Zodiac heading our way just over the birds. We were stopped to watch the whale.
It was an overcast day so everything blended a bit. Here are the birds and dolphins.
A passenger points out the whale. At this point we had been with the whale for about 15 minutes.
Passenger registering surprise as the whale surfaces again.

I turned to see that DH was standing up on our seat and the edge of the boat. I suspect he enjoyed the ride.

No, he's not about to jump. He's just trying for a good view.
We played with the dolphins a little longer  before heading back to port.
I wasn't sure why were were getting so close to this buoy. Then I heard and recognized the sea lions.
We circled it.
We listened to the bell and were serenaded by the two whose head are up.

And then we headed to the airport and home.

The airport was displaying a collection of museum posters.
It's a pretty place with odd metal and glass birds hanging above the concourse.
The plane home was barely a third full so we had aisle seats with a window view.
Having worked the cross-word, DH read and I prepared to sleep.
We got to see all the lights of Austin twice. We're not sure why we got to "go around again," but we did.
And we were able to enjoy the sunset a little longer.

How can I leave without a photo of the cats. They spent most of the move in the shower room (to avoid tripping and/or injury). We understand they are adjusting well to their new home.

Aengus (Gus) and Slinky (yes, she looks a bit like Hobbes, but she's not related by blood)


*OK. There was also the fight with the hotel over Internet access and a few other issues - like a missing TSA preclearance. Those issues were resolved without too much drama.

**I believe in celebrating everything...even one painted wall!

***Nothing could beat the dinner with friends - fresh tomato/cucumber salad, Irish stew, and poached pears (and laughter and toasts to the future!).

****The Beachcomber Cafe at Crystal Cove is a hot spot, we hear. We drove down to check it out only to discover one must park and ride a shuttle bus. At the first mention of bus, DH was "out." It did seem a little too much effort just to take a look so we drove on...ended up on Balboa Island where we would catch a zodiac the next day for whales. We ate Italian with the Balboa Island crowd.

Found some additional photos of the dolphins I'm leaving here at the end. It's a series and should be viewed in sequence:

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