Monday, August 8, 2016

One speeder...

Two girls were up early-ish for a walk. It was a purple flower day. The wild petunia, wild morning glory, and Texas sage were all blooming.*

Paddy and I just needed to stretch our legs a bit. We were surprised by the trash - a number of cigarette boxes (we don't see those so often anymore), someone's car foot mat in the middle of the street, and a busted watermelon.** I wondered if someone forgot to secure it in the back of the pickup or rested it on the car, forgetting it was there until a turn or bump dislodged it and caused the mess. I've lost many a coffee mug that way - but a watermelon?

A speeding sedan zoomed off (late?) and two barking dobermans (stopped only by a child gate - really?) were our cues to head back home for breakfast.

Morning glory.
Sage and bees!
These folks keep a nicely groomed yard (unlike some of us), but these "weeds" or wildflowers grow at the curb. Wild petunia in the back and unknown tall multi-bloomers in foreground.
Wild petunia
These babies were all along the way.
Floor mat.
The passage into our side yard. No spiderwebs so we took the shortcut.


*I know the wild verbena is also blooming purple in the woods and on the prairie, but saw none on our walk. And the purple lantana is blooming in our yard.

**During Halloween and Thanksgiving we see lots of pumpkins smashed - little vandals have nothing better to do. But a watermelon?

I wave to the crazy manikin. She does not wave back.

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