Saturday, February 20, 2016

Two old girls head to the park

Cool and grey outside - is it still winter? The breeze started in from the east and shifted from the south before the walk was over.

Paddy wore her fur. I tried fleece and reflective belt. By the end of the trip we were both warm.

It's been a long time since we took this walk; not since we lost Scruff have we wandered the neighborhood. However, I have "committed" and have started receiving reminder messages from OC. So, the leash light flashed green and we two old girls headed to the park in the dim light of dawn.

Saturdays are great for walking. People sleep in. Their late start allows a safer walk - no cars rushing to get anywhere. Most dogs were inside too as we walked down the street, although they were out and barking as we headed back up the hills.

The ravens remarked on our early exercise and other birds sang their morning songs. No runners or other creatures joined us although a man bundled up in quilted jacket and stocking cap spoke as he passed. A block later a fellow in straw cowboy hat and loafers did not even glance our way as he headed north on a major street.

Things in the neighborhood seem about the same though the artist, Jane, who had lived in the cat man's house is gone. Her rocker has been replaced by a baby carriage on the front porch. We will notice and know more as we work to regain this habit of an early morning park visit.

Paddy's behavior was above reproach save the first block where she held grass, twigs, and leaves in her muzzle. After a few stern "leave it" commands she dropped the mouthful on the sidewalk. Gross. Honestly...dogs are so weird.

Miss Paddy. There was no "off leash" romp, but we were both the better for the mile walk.

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