Friday, January 24, 2014


In central Texas, the part of this state I have called home since 1978, we don't "do" ice and snow. Drivers don't know how do drive on it. Communities have no equipment to deal with it - no blowers or salt spreaders or plows. We do have sanders, but we are limited in what we can sand - well traveled bridges and overpasses get the attention.

The dogs sheltered inside last night, as they do whenever the weather is bad. They are "outside" dogs, but it was "not a fit night out for man or beast." *

This morning we had to figure out how we would get them outside for a "break" and for some food and water (As outside dogs, they are not polite eaters. And  Scruff attacks water, getting more on him than in him.). We have concrete steps at every exit and we knew they would be iced over.

We decided to use the front door as the original handrail is still there. We tested our exit and discovered things were not as hazardous as we had imagined. Walkers bundled and puppies, confused at change in routine, figured out the drill...all headed out to play in the snow and ice.

We dared not the slick sidewalks and the hills of our walk to the park. We walked around and around in the side yard. It was reminiscent of our efforts to establish a "pack" at the pound when we picked up Scruffy. We walked around and across, together and separately.

Paddy isn't quite sure what is going on.

I tried to get her attention. She sat instead.

Scruffy at the edge of our sidewalk. He is watching some idiot driving down the street.

I tried to get his attention, but he was still watching the car as it "crunched" around a corner.

Puppies ate and drank and investigated along the edges of the yard where other animals had wandered or sheltered last night. Even in the ice, the dogs sniffed out the smells of other creatures .

We stayed out as long as we thought safe - puppies have no shoes! Then we all headed back inside.

There is nothing better than a warm breakfast (with a hot cup of coffee) on a cold winter day!

Scruffy at the sidewalk.

Aspidistra around the pecan in the side yard.

Close up of the aspidistra

Some of the plants - guess who forgot to "cover tender vegetation."

Bulbs were coming up.

Snow angel in the front yard! (Yes, yes, my posterior is cold...)

*W. C. Fields - The Fatal Glass of Beer

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