Friday, February 1, 2013

Why isn't being right enough?

It was a long week. It would be impossible to explain other than to say that I had a great need to burn off excess adrenalin, relieve frustration and forget the problems of this week.

It sounded like a job for the pack. And so it was.

We met up with Hugo, Ruby, Stanley and TDW on the river's edge and headed into the wild. We were passed by a couple of cyclists who were clearly not dog fans. They warned us that the (totally nonexistent) ranger "might just" give us a ticket for dogs off-leash.

We thanked them for their concern and wandered down deer trails, though the meadow, up and down hills, under bridges, along the river, through the creeks, up embankments, along limestone ledges and over fallen trees (unleashed and unafraid).

It was three hours of unbounded joy for the dogs and a successful exhaustion of the walker. There is nothing as entertaining as watching the pups follow a deer trail, flush the deer and give chase. Nothing is as soothing as the gurgle of a spring-fed stream. Nothing is as exhausting as three hours in the wilderness with the pack.

Sleep will come easy tonight.

Photos (Sorry, but the battery was low. I only took a few. TDW added one.):

Stanley, the noble

Hugo, the goofy
Boulder riddled with holes. Grass is sprouting out of many of the holes.

Ruby, TDW and Stanley on the bridge.

Another view of the bridge.

Looking off the bridge into the creek below.

Scruffy and Paddy on the bridge.
I love this bridge - wood planks and rusty iron beams.

Scruffy posing for TDW.

Trunk peeling off in small squares.

Closeup of the tree - like post-it notes.
Another small spring with pool below.

Another burr oak cap in the middle of this photo of dried leaves.

Trash: We managed to pick up a couple of bags of trash. Dues paid.

1 comment:

  1. I should have said "challenges" instead of "problems."


Thanks for coming along on the walk. Your comments are welcome.