Sunday, February 3, 2013

Scents if not sense

My face is still thawing from this morning's walk, but MY FEET FEEL GOOD!

I made the mistake Friday of wearing bad socks. They were good enough for wearing to work, but not on a three hour adventure with the pack. I have suffered a bit since and promised myself that I would find the good socks (You know the kind - cushioned. And, I will admit it, marked "L" and "R" for those of us who need such directions.) and wear them.

Paddy, Scruffy and I dragged DH out into the breath-fogging cold in time for a lovely sunrise, morning bird songs, barking dogs, a lonely train whistling by, and the noise of deer in the woods.

The pups did not seem too sorry to be on-leash walking to the neighborhood park, toward the warm orange glow of the rising sun instead of crashing through the wilderness with their friends. They were glad to be out and smelling those wonderful smells and checking the new closer to home.

Scruffy wore the walking lights. He seems proud to carry the lighted collar and glowing ball, a gift from our dog walking friend.

Scruff glowed

Refusing to pose - the day was too exciting.

There's my boy showing off his collar and light.

The moon was a sliver and I obsessed over catching it, but my photos are never quite right. I kept trying and almost got it.

A few houses have changed occupants. One neighbor is adding on to their house, a property that appears to be nearly as ancient as ours. The slab has been poured and we will keep an eye on the progress of construction.

The sunrise bathed the park with a warm pink glow.

We walked alone in the park, down the road to the far meadow. The seasonal warmth has fooled few plants in the woods. The grass is still crispy and dry and pecan husks cling to the branches splayed open like black stars against the morning sky. The pecan is a wise old tree. It is the true harbinger of spring. Once the pecan buds you can be sure that all threat of frost is over. We are far from seeing green tips on these pecans.

But the loyal verbena still bloomed along the road in the park. It always seems to be the one wildflower that blooms from early spring through the hottest parts of the summer and into early fall. This plant has managed to continue into this weird winter. It has always been one of my favorite wildflowers and so this bloomer seemed a gift.

Blackbirds perched on a streetlight. Doves and "chi chi birds" ate cracked pecans along the sidewalk. One morning bird sang its 'squeaky-hinge" song. The neighborhood, so tame compared to the wild springs of recent walks, was still welcoming and lovely.

Ah, time to get on with the rest of this day begun with a blooming sky and wild verbena.

We walked east into the orange glow of sunrise.

Almost to the park.

Our park

DH  and pups.

Nothing was moving in the park.

Bridge against the sunrise

Pecan husks, black stars against the sky.

Brambles of the bordering woods provide cover for the deer.


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