Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Beautiful Day for a Wedding

Lovely day, but sun was in my eyes for half of this walk...another reason to avoid the "lay abed."

Woodpecker staccato set our pace as we headed east into the sunshine. Saturday papers mostly still in the yards while the traffic to early morning sporting events increased.

We walked to the meadow knowing we would only be measuring the advance of the wildflowers and grasses. Last year plants that should have bloomed at a foot or two were mere inches off the ground. This year there are flowers at our ankles, knees, thighs and chest. There is no cutting across unmowed areas... even in the cool damp of the morning, I think snake.

We revel in the new blooms and the old. Some mesquite is still blooming in the park and all the pecans have not only leafed out but are budded for what will be a great harvest if we continue to have rain.

Wispy, or fluttery, or leggy things float in the air before us - varieties of insects including skeeter eaters (crane flies) and the dreaded cottonwood fluff. That cottonwood and I do not mix (it signals terrible allergies, whether to it or something else that blooms at the same time, I do not know), but I think it is so lovely suspended on a breeze or gathering like its namesake along the if God's cotton trailers spilled a bit on the way to the gin.

We examine the mulberry on the way home (impossible to pick berries with an excitable Lab) and discover that it has had a harvest. Whether people or bird or wind and rain picked, I will have to wait for a few days before I try again. And this is fine as I have a few other things to do today before I watch my son's brother, Charlie, wed his lovely bride.

It is indeed a beautiful day!

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