Friday, July 13, 2012

Park cat

We Friday-off slackers waited to start the walk until it was just-light.

The pups, eager after a day with no walk, wandered and sniffed and irritated us no end. But we managed to make our way east as pink began to tinge the sky behind the two thunderheads in the distance. Rain is promised again for the next few days.

We talked of plans to mow and errand if we find energy and ambition today.

For now I encouraged a peaceful walk - to listen to the bird songs and watch-dog barking....

We were accosted by two of the Beal Park yip-dogs. DH growled at them and they retreated. [The growling confrontation happened as running man turned onto the street. One wonders what stories HE tells.]

The crows were already grouping in the wildness across from the park. Their call seems more a "haw, haw, haw" to me than a "caw."

Dewayne and Sissy were already working the yellow labs as we headed to the practice diamond. We wanted to let Paddy and Scruffy run. The diamond is no longer secure, however. The gates latches are damaged and an entire section of fencing is missing.

We decided to bluff them and see how they would do. DH stood at the missing fence to block escapees. I stood across the way so we could run the dogs back and forth.

After using up our patience and dog treats we walked to the water fountain as we had run though all the water we carried...these were thirsty dogs. Success! Everyone drank then turned to see the park cat casually watching us as she was lounged on a culvert - quick escape route if necessary.

She allowed me to grab her image and then disappeared below.

Robot dogs passed us as we left the park together - the labs hanging out of the truck window and ours straining to get closer to these creatures.

Ah, homeward we traveled to the laughter of the crows...

Park cat
Time to leave

Only a tail and a tale

Haw, haw, haw...

Friday morning count:

15 cars
2 barking dogs - small and annoying
1 motorcycle
1 motorized bicycle
running man
a handful of crows in the field

Sissy and Dewayne with two yellow labs in the park
1 park cat

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