Friday, July 20, 2012

Night walk, creek walk, ghost walk?

It was a long "day off" for everyone. DH had workers cutting trees and cleaning up after. I spent most of the day at the office. Dogs were inside - away from the noise of saws and chippers... And so we all needed a walk in the cool of the evening.

We went to the creek and walked a bit.

The creek goes through some of the oldest parts of town...

Headed to the creek
I brought my camera - even though the rapidly gathering gloom of evening was upon us.

As we passed the old AME church I kept thinking, "Keep taking photos. You are going to catch something interesting."

So here are bits of our evening walk...and something interesting.

Lots of good scents

Park lights warmly glow

DH and Scruff do not notice, but Paddy and I know there is something interesting about...

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